Photographers are artists, who live the feeling for the detail in the motive
With the person behind the camera, the perspective and the "handwriting" in the delivered image material also always changes.
We love our girls and also we are trying to put every synthetic lady in the right and perfect light. Nevertheless our photographers are encouraged to photograph the girls as they are.
Means the artistic performance of the photographers is reflected in every shoot. And for every picture series there is also the "Making Of" which gives an idea of the effort involved.

We would like to publish honest pictures and these preferably without Photoshop, which show the total work of art as it is. That's why you can even find simple mobile phone pictures in our shop. With us nobody should buy "the cat in the bag"!
Since nothing is more unsatisfactory than a deceptive package, where at the end of the day it turns out that the delivery for the order has little in common with the advertising image material.
Except, and this now somewhat exaggerates, that she has arms, legs and "titties" etc.!
Especially in view of the many fake products and many dubious shops that want to suggest to the customer that every lady comes in many imaginable sizes and is advertised with brand names that are ultimately not delivered.
We would like to distance ourselves from exactly these tricks and therefore consciously rely on a few manufacturers, our own product development, our own models that complement the manufacturer Protifolio and the 24/7 after sales service. The quality and joy of our work is often visible in the pictures.
Other artists have created our love playmates Now we only have to capture this joy of life in the picture, so that you know what will suit you.
I would also like to praise the creativity and ingenuity that have already worked with us.